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Knowing the difference between physical therapy that is in-network with your insurance plan compared to out-of-network is really important for you as the client! Simply put, you get what you pay for. At Physio Room we choose to put your needs first as opposed to the needs of the insurance […]
Are you a new mom struggling to return to normal life after having your baby? You are absolutely NOT alone. It may feel like it sometimes, but the first six weeks postpartum after delivering your child is a time that is extremely difficult to navigate. Dr. Amber, PT, DPT, OTR/L, […]
Highlighting the importance of setting yourself up for success and creating a positive environment around you. Your environment is stronger than your willpower.
Dr. Andrew Fix here! Today I wanted to talk about something that I’m pretty passionate about, but also, something I think a lot of you will relate to. And that’s.. getting out of your comfort zone! So much of our life, whether that’s work, whether that’s our cars, our homes, […]
Have you ever been told that any issues you’re having with your pelvic floor after giving birth is normal, that this is the cost of motherhood, or that’s just what happens when you’ve gone through pregnancy? Well, a lot of things are not true. Why? Because while the issues you’re […]
with Dr. Andrew Fix If you’re a runner, strength training is a must. Especially if you are prepping for a long distance run like a marathon. As a Physical Therapist, if I were to build a strength training routine for a runner I would focus on hitting the major muscle […]
It’s no secret that exercise is important for our overall health. But what many people don’t realize is that exercise is also crucial for healing after an injury. When we are injured, our first instinct is often to rest and take it easy. And while rest is important, too much […]
Running is one of the most popular but misunderstood forms of exercise globally. With one of the highest injury rates of any activity, it’s very common to experience an injury during your running journey. Take the marathon, for example. The marathon is 26.2 miles. There are approximately 30 million runners […]
Feeling a pinch in your shoulder or a sharp pain throughout your upper arm? Yikes. We’ve been there. Let’s talk about why you might have some shoulder or neck issues. When your shoulder gets irritated, three things happen. Guarding Naturally, as humans, we don’t like pain, so we end up […]
“Dig deep. And then, you will find something that you didn’t know existed.” – Becki Lynn Bauer Becki Lynn is an avid runner who got into running during junior high and high school; starting with cross country and picking up recreational running habits. Being an easy, cheap and popular sport […]