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CrossFit and Shoulder Pain: Tips to Prevent, Manage, and Stay Strong During Workouts Shoulder pain is a frequent challenge for CrossFit athletes, stemming from the high-intensity, repetitive movements that define the sport. Understanding and addressing this issue is crucial for staying strong and injury-free. Here’s a comprehensive guide packed with […]
What Makes a Great Physical Therapy Clinic? Today was a great day at our physical therapy clinic. I saw nine clients, and one by one, they each talked about how much better they were feeling and performing. Several weightlifters, including a couple of Olympians, achieved personal bests they hadn’t reached […]
Unlock Speed & Endurance with French Contrast Training! Runners often ask: How can I run farther and faster? French Contrast Training (FCT) offers a powerful solution. FCT is a hybrid strength and power method that integrates heavy lifts with explosive plyometric movements. Originally designed for power athletes, FCT is now […]
Train Smart, Run Healthy: Understanding Training Errors In today’s post we are going to talk about training errors. Training errors generally involve improper progression of the volume or intensity of one’s training. One of the most common causes of injury is simply doing too much, too soon. In general, the […]