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Running is one of the most popular but misunderstood forms of exercise globally. With one of the highest injury rates of any activity, it’s very common to experience an injury during your running journey. 

Take the marathon, for example. The marathon is 26.2 miles. There are approximately 30 million runners in the US. There are over 1,100 marathons held each year in the US.

90% of marathon runners sustain an injury during training. Each year, 80% of runners in general sustain an injury that forces them to stop running.

Some of these running injuries include runner’s knee, a stress fracture, a shin splint, Achilles tendinopathy, a muscle pull, Plantar fasciitis, an ankle sprain, and so much more.

These injuries can lead to countless doctor’s visits, extensive physical therapy treatment, and maybe even the inability to run and enjoy the sport for a while.

BUT, the good news is that while running injuries may be common, it is also preventable, and we want to help you run safely and effectively. 

One of the best ways you can avoid injuries and time away from running is to prepare your body ahead of time and maintain it along the way. 

This means that you cannot just run. As you will find out, regular mobility and strength training are vital components to making sure you are Ready to Run!

Dr. Andrew is a physical therapist, board certified orthopedic specialist, and runner who specializes in treating runners. After several injuries and surgeries, Andrew has focused on how to train his body so that he can enjoy running for a lifetime.

Apply these 12 tips to your running routine so you can train smarter, run stronger, and reduce your risk of injury. 

  1. Listen to your body
  2. Foot mobility & strength
  3. Brace your spine– turn on your glutes
  4. Ankle mobility– do you have it?
  5. Mobility & strength– squat test
  6. Spine mobility– can you twist?
  7. Head position
  8. Progress slowly
  9. Train at your pace
  10. Warm up & cool down
  11. Build resistance– strength training
  12. Lock in mentality

If you follow this checklist and build these 12 items into your routine, we’re sure that you’ll be on your way to becoming a stronger and faster runner.

Learn more about each item on the checklist, watch video tutorials, and find out exactly how you can implement these steps into your running routine. Download our full Ebook below for more information.

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