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Knee pain and dysfunction is one of our most frequent complaints within our physical therapy practice. Many patients come in complaining of everything from occasional to frequent, mild to acute knee discomfort and often report having been experiencing it for lengths of time before seeking our advice.

Of course, there are many treatments we can provide for you here in the clinic that will ease, help correct and begin to heal your aching knees. Dry Needling, soft tissue mobilization, deep tissue laser session and corrective exercise are all tools in our tool box our doctors can use to get you the relief you are after.

There are several things you can be doing on your own, however, that will offer you relief without having to come in and see us. Dr. Chris will walk us through several postures, tips on safe and proper form, stretches and exercise that will keep you and your knees moving forward, pain-free.

Dead Lifting and Squat

Glute Activation

Glute Activation Cont’d

Ice Skaters

Activation Drill

Hip Extension

Reverse Hyper Extension

Lower Body Foam Rolling

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